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The grav jump stands out as one of the most crucial mechanics in Starfield, enabling you to rapidly travel to other planets and star systems. To fully harness the potential of grav jump in Starfield, it is essential to comprehend its workings.
How to grav jump in Starfield
What is the grav drive in Starfield?
How to prepare the ship for grav drive
What is the "Grav jump pending" warning?
How to Increase grav jump thrust in Starfield
Grav Jump
To perform a grav jump, you need to choose a destination on the star map. If you're playing on PC, you can press the "M" key or access the menu by pressing the "Esc" key and navigate to the star map section. If you're playing on a console, you can access the star map by pressing the "Touchpad" or "View" button.
Once the star map is open, select the star system you want to travel to and locate your destination planet. Once there, hold down the "Jump" button to initiate the grav jump.
Star Map
Activating the grav drive is a prerequisite for executing a grav jump. The ship's HUD displays the power distribution, facilitating the adjustment of power levels for weapons, shields, engines, and the grav drive.
If there's enough power, the countdown for the jump begins. The time for the countdown depends on how much power you've assigned.
This message indicates that a grav jump has been requested but has not yet been completed. It means that the spacecraft needs more power allocated to the grav jump system before the jump can occur. To fix this, remove power from other areas such as shields and energy, and allocate it to the "GRV" jump.
Allocate Power
Making grav jumps work better is as simple as giving more power to the grav drive. To jump successfully in Starfield, it's important to know how the route, grav drive jump range, and fuel are all connected.
Upgrading your ship's grav drive is crucial since it determines how far you can jump. Enhancing both the grav drive and fuel tank will boost the ship's capabilities for longer jumps, and you can upgrade them through the ship customization options.
The grav drive needs time to charge, especially for longer jumps. To speed up this process, allocate more power to the grav drive. It's important to mention that The Frontier ship already has a proficient Grav Drive to start with.